The Flag and the Map of Morocco

The Flag:

Moroccan Flag Description 
The flag of Morocco is a deep red with a green five-pointed star, or pentagram, at its center. the nation's history. Red has been used in Morocco to represent the royals, including the Alaouite family who ruled in the seventeenth century, and the Sherifs of Mecca and the Imams of Yemen. The red symbolizes bravery and strength. 

The pentagram is a five-pointed star, drawn with five straight lines, which intersect to create the outline of a star. This style of star has long been used as a symbol of religions as the star of Solomon, and the green is also often associated with religion. 

Flag of Morocco History 
The flag of Morocco was adopted on November 17, 1915. When the French and Spanish ruled Morocco, the flag was not allowed to be used in some parts of the country. When Morocco gained independence in 1956, they resumed use of this flag. 

Prior to the current flag, Morocco had used a plain red flag under the Alaouite Dynasty. The green five-pointed star was added to the flag in 1915, when Mulay Yusuf ruled Morocco. A green six-pointed star had been used for a few years before that. Other former flags, like those used under the Marinid Dynasty and the Saadi Dynasty, featured a gold eight-pointed star on a red field. 

Coat of Arms:
The current coat of arms of Morocco (formally, the royal coat of arms) was introduced 14 August 1957. It was developed by the graphic artists Gauthier and Hainaut and shows a green pentagram on a red background before the Atlas Mountains and a rising sun. The royal crown is on top. Two lions function as the holders of the shield. On the ribbon underneath, the Arabic inscription is written: (Arabicإن تنصروا الله ينصركم‎) (If you glorify God, he will glorify you) (Qur'an, Verse 7, Sura 47).

  Cherifian Anthem: 

he Cherifian Anthem (Arabic: النشيد الوطني المغربي) has been the Anthem of the Kingdom of Morocco even before the country gained its independence in 1956. Its music was written by Léo Morgan, and the final Arabic lyrics by Ali Squalli Houssaini  in 1970. The Sharifis a title who protects the tribe's assets and the tribe itself.


ArabicTransliterationEnglish translation
منبت الأحرار
مشرق الأنوار
منتدى السؤدد وحماه
دمت منتداه وحماه
عشت في الأوطان
للعلا عنوان
ملء كل جنان
ذكرى كل لسان
بالروح، بالجسد
هب فتاك لبي نداك
في فمي وفي دمي
هواك ثار نور ونار
اخوتي هيا للعلا سعيا
نشهد الدنيا أن هنا نحيا
الله الوطن الملك
Manbita al-aḥrār
Mashriqa al-anwār
Muntadá as-su’dadi wa-ḥimāh
Dumta muntadāh wa-ḥimāh
‘Ishta fī il-awtān
Lil-‘ulā ‘unwān
Mil’a kulli janān
Dhikrá kulli lisān
Bir-rūḥi, bil-jasadi
Habba fatāk labbá nidāk
Fī famī wa-fī damī
Hawāka thāra nūr wa-nār
Ikhwatī hayyā lil-‘ulā sa‘yā
Nushhidi id-dunyā anna hunā naḥyā
Allāh, al-waṭan, al-malik
Root of the free,
Rising place of the Lights,
Forum of glory and its pritector,
May you perpetuate as its forum and its protector.
May you live among the homelands
As an address for grandeur
Filling every garden
conveyed by every tongue.
With the spirit, with the body,
Your son has come to answer your call.
In my mouth and in my blood,
Your love stirred up as light and fire.
Let’s go brothers! Heading for grandeur,
Making the world witness that we here perpetually live
With the motto:
God, homeland, king.

 Morocco's Map:

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